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“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” (Verse 6)

Currently the world is experiencing the rise of Islamism with the African revolution know as the Arab Spring. This civil war or revolutionary war began in Africa and has spread to the Middle East. It is being reported in the news on a daily basis as battles, wars and rumors of future battles and wars. Iran is in the news because of its nuclear ambitions. Will this lead to another war, a future nuclear war, or is it just a rumor of war? Should we be alarmed by all of this or does this mean that things are just heating up?

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.” (Verse 32)

Jesus is giving a warning or a sign of the end: summer. Today the world is concerned with global warming or a heating up of the globe that can be likened to summer. Is this the sign of the end as this verse comes near the end of the overall warning of signs to look for? I believe that this is a warning that things are heating up with spring giving way to summer.

“Three UC Berkeley researchers have pulled together data and concluded that the incidence of war and civil unrest may increase by as much as 56% between now and 2050 because of higher temperatures and extreme rainfall patterns predicted by climate scientists.” (From LA Times, Monte Moran, Aug. 2, 2013)

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom….” (Verse 7)

The world has witnessed this in increasing severity with WWI, WWII and the subsequent Cold War that has given way to the War on Terror. The bible speaks of a time of Tribulation that is unequaled in severity either before or after. The world will know this time as WWIII.

“For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now – and never to be equaled again.” (Verse 21)

Oil has made kings and kingdoms out of many in Africa and the Middle East. However, the world could face an oil crisis that would see kings fall and kingdoms at war. A decline in oil reserves would give rise to a battle between the have and have-nots. It would also lead to an economic and transportation crisis that will be a spark for civil unrest and war.

“There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” (Verse 7)

An increase in man-made famines (war) and natural disasters is being reported in the news on a continual basis. There are statistics available and should be researched, but suffice it to say that most point to an expected increase in famines and natural disasters. As the world population grows and concentrates in areas, the risk also grows.

“Then you (believers) will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me (Jesus).” (Verse 9)

Religious persecutions are also being reported in the news on a continual basis. Again, there are examples and stats available and I am giving voice to the need to witness. Religious discord and discrimination is now causing a clash of civilizations that could lead to all-out war.

“At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.” (Verse 10)

The love of money, prosperity and the good life is becoming the creed of faith of many, even among the devout and people of faith. Greed is threatening to destroy Western nations from within, leaving them vulnerable to external forces. Crime and corruption is on the increase along with a concentration of wealth within the few and not the many. Greed and a love of money for what it can buy can weaken the moral, ethical character of people and leaves them vulnerable to a judgment by God and religion.

The have-not will hate those that seem to live a privileged life, religious or not. Many will betray their brothers to obtain wealth for themselves and/or a better life that they deserve. They will call themselves Christians or religious but will behave as the world teaches in gathering for their wants and needs. The love for others with less will grow cold for to sacrifice means they will have less or less than they deserve. They will hate those with need as they hate those with more, often not realizing it.

“And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” (Verse 11)

This seen in those like Jim Jones, David Koresh and the many cults with charismatic leaders that claim divinity or access to the divine through them. Along with the danger of future false prophets like these is a growing apostasy with people lacking discernment between what is real and what is false. There is a belief that religion is not necessary nor is knowledge of religion important in today’s world of mass information. This can give rise to many false teachers and teachings.

The proliferation of high tech info is good if used for the betterment of mankind or personal knowledge. It is not good when it becomes a substitute for faith and used for pleasure only. Entertainment can bring relief to the soul and enlightenment, but it can also be used as an escape from reality and study. Entertainment can be a false prophet, telling people what they should believe in, how to behave and what matters.

“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” (Verse 12)

The opposite of love is hate. Hate crimes like school shootings and mass murder on an alarming scale is also being reported on an ever increasing basis. This goes along with bullying and a preoccupation with self. Drug and alcohol use along with prescription drug abuse is in all levels of society as well as in the young. This has created a strain on welfare and safety net systems as well as an increase in the need for healthcare due to health issues that are caused by bad behavior and poor personal choices. This is an internal struggle within Western nations along with the battle of the war on drugs.

The external threat of hate for Western society and ideals is also on the rise as seen in the burning of flags and effigies of leaders along with hate-filled rhetoric. It is easy to hate those that hate you and difficult to love your enemy. It is said to love your neighbor has you love yourself. But as the love for oneself grows cold due to both internal and external forces the love for ones neighbor also grows cold. Hating your neighbor and hating your enemy will replace love in many people. This begins when people begin to hate their lives and the darkness within them begins to grow. As the light is being extinguished, the warmth will give way to coldness.

“When you see all of these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.” (Verse 33)

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