Wilderness Voice
A voice calling: prepare for the advent of the King; make ready for his arrival!
Keep watch for the prophesied signs of the coming of the Antichrist...
Advent of the Antichrist offers a thorough explanation of Nostradamus's famous 1999 King of Terror quatrain. Based on this quatrain, August 11, 1999 is an important date in history. On that day a total solar eclipse took place over Europe. According to Nostradamus, it was also the date for the coming of the Antichrist. For he will be an eighth king (Revelation 17:11), he is the eleventh horn (Daniel 7:8), and his number is 666 (Revelation 13:18). Author K. L. Brady makes the argument that this is the eleventh hour, beginning with this date on a doomsday clock. History will record that the advent of the Antichrist coincided with the advent of the twenty-first century.